gerdr on parrot

State of the MSYS Branch

My MSYS branch now properly differentiates between the MSYS and MINGW32 subsystems, but both options still have issues.

The MINGW32 build creates a native Windows binary, which doesn't play well with the virtual paths used by msys-perl. I'm getting around that by monkey patching the core modules Cwd and File::Spec.

That's clearly a hack, but there does not seem to be a silver bullet for this particular problem, and this approach has been suggested previously during a related discussion.

I did not yet fix the test regressions introduced by commit ad25aa9 as I was busy setting up a vanilla MSYS environment for work on the MSYS subsystem (had some issues compiling git, but got it to work eventually).

The MSYS build currently compiles, but make fails due to path mismatches. Fixing these might call for introduction of a new platform built from the win32 and generic ones. Alternatively, some new #ifdef __MSYS__ blocks could probably be added to the win32 code.